Please click on the links below to view the FAQ answers

What areas do you cover?
We mainly shoot in the Melbourne area but can shoot anywhere with an applicable travel charge.
What can you photograph?
We can photograph virtually anything.
How soon will I get my images?
Usually within 24 hours of the shoot.
What are the costs?
Please visit our prices page for a full rundown of costs for all services.
Do you offer packages?
Yes, we can do package deals on multiple services.
When do you fly the aircraft based photography?
We can fly anytime at the one off rate. We shoot for the standby rate usually every 2 weeks, sooner if there is more demand.
What advantages in shooting from the plane?
We can capture both the property and the surrounding areas showing local amenities. We can capture large areas like farms and land developments. We can also operate near airports which are restricted for drone flying.
Can you video an auction?
Yes no problem. This is a great way to show your performance on auction day.
Can you photograph our staff?
Yes no problem.
How do virtual tours work?
We use a specialized camera and scan many 360 degree views throughout the property and combine them into a tour controlled by the user viewed via the web.